The Writing Minor is designed to provide students from all majors with concentrated study of—and practice in—a wide range of writing genres. Students will engage in diverse writing experiences, which can help students become successful and productive writers no matter what type of career they follow.
Major Learning Outcomes (MLOs)
By the completion of this program, students will be able to:
- Produce proficient writing across a number of genres, tasks, purposes, and readerships.
- Articulate features of their own writings, articulate the processes they followed, and justify the decisions they made.
- Apply a deliberate writing process with emphasis on inquiry, audience, research, and revision.
19 credit hours
ENGL 398 Writing Portfolio (1)
Select 18 additional credits from:
BUS 228 Business Communications (3)
COMM 250 Introduction to Rhetoric (3)
COMM 380 Rhetorical Criticism (3)
EDUC 322 Literacy Content: Writing for Middle Level Learners (2)
ENGL 185 Media Writing (3)
ENGL 250 Writing Consultant Training (1), plus one semester of peer tutoring experience.
May be repeated.
ENGL 260 Language Structure (3)
ENGL 265 Technical Writing (3)
ENGL 270 Creative Nonfiction (3)
ENGL 275 Creative Writing (3)
ENGL 495 Special Topics in Writing (1-3) – may be repeated as long as the topic changes.
Campus newspaper with opportunities to gain experience with reporting, feature articles, photography, editorials, and more.
Defiance College's semi-annual literary and photography magazine. The magazine provides opportunities for publication of poetry, short stories, and personal essays. Progeny members also coordinate several literary activities both on and off campus.